Can you find the nine people in the picture?
If you find six, you have an ordinary power of observation.
Find seven, you have above average power of observation.
Find eight, you are very observant. Congratulate yourself.
Find nine, you are extremely observant. Very intuitive and creative. You can rival the observant power of Sherlock Holmes!
I'm a native of Virginia and retired at the end of 1998 from the Federal Government after 34+ years of public service.
Now I have time to pursue my hobbies and play with my two dogs, BELLA and CAPPY.
I adopted both of them. Bella, I am told, is a Corgie (quite royal). Cappy, they think, is a cross between a Lab and a greyhound -- and maybe a dalmation!! Both are beautiful and loving pets.
Bella's been gone now for a year and a half.... Cappy's now 6 and I have a beautiful new Labrador named Decoy's Noble Archer . He was born October 17, 2004, and he's a wonderful companion for both of us!
Cappy was 7 in January (2005), Noble will be two in October and now weighs about 85 lbs.
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