Well, here I am. Another one of Misker's "Family" creating a Dedication page to Misker's Den-izens. This truly is a Special group. Of course, it couldn't be anything else.
~ ~ It's Misker's Heart! ~ ~
I have only been part of the Family for a few months, but I don't feel "New." Misker's Heart is as big as the Internet, and so are the Hearts of all her Den-izens.
Just one example of this is the Graphics Set for this page. It was a gift to me Just Because.... Thank you Teresa! It's not unusual for things to just show up in your email... an eCard, a "Gift" for your web page, graphics like this Set.
This Heart warms up the Internet every day, all day! If you need a hug, bet you'll get one in your email before you know it!
~ ~ Just Because ~ ~
I'm going to put just SOME of the gifts I have received on this/these pages I'm creating now and link them to the Giver. Unfortunately, I have lost some because of computer problems. However, if I see any floating around, I'll "borrow" another copy to put here. This is going to be a Work-In-Progress for a while.
If you would like to see more "Gifts" by these incredible Den-izens, visit my guestbooks.
Please enjoy and be sure to visit the responsible Den-izen Heart!